Volkswagen agrees to a 9% salary increase

Note published on July 21 in Reforma, Negocios [Business] Section by Verónica Gascón.
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A salary increase of 9 percent, more benefits and the full payment of employee profit sharing were agreed upon by Volkswagen de México and the Volkswagen Independent Union of Automotive Industry Workers (SITIAVW) after the comprehensive revision of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CCT).

They also agreed to an increase of 0.85 percent to the Savings Fund, among other improvements, that benefited 12,000 workers.

According to the Federal Center for Labor Conciliation and Registration, the strike that was programmed for this coming August 18 is avoided with this agreement.

“The conditions and specifics that comprise this negotiation will be informed by the Union to its members in accordance with the requirements that are specified in the Labor Law and the voting processes required by that same law will be conducted”, stated Volkswagen de México.

Now the union has the duty of holding an election to allow the workers covered by the collective bargaining agreement to decide whether or not they support the contents.

“The significant change of the reform is that the union has the role of facilitator, representative of the workers, but it does not have the final word, workers have it, specifically each worker that goes behind a partition and issues a secret vote on whether or not he is in favor of the agreement.

“And if they say no, then the agreement is not valid”, said Óscar de la Vega, a labor lawyer